Monday, 17 October 2011

Important of Good Breathing

In order to have good blood, we must breathe well. Full, deep inspirations of pure air fill the lungs with oxygen; purify the blood, sending it-a life-giving current-to every part of the body. Good respiration soothes the nerves; stimulates the appetite; improves digestion; and induces sound, refreshing sleep.
Shallow breathing creates an insufficient supply of oxygen causing the blood to move sluggishly. The waste, poisonous matter, which should be thrown off in exhalations from the lungs, is retained and the blood becomes impure. Not only the lungs, but the stomach, liver and brain are affected. The skin becomes sallow and digestion is retarded. Oxygen deficiency in the cells is known to cause cancer. Experiments have shown that cancer cells cannot live in blood that is well oxygenated.

Does the Way I Stand or Sit Affect My Breathing?
Yes, practice how to sit and stand straight-head high, back straight. The lungs can expand properly only when a person sits and stands straight because otherwise the lung sacs that take in air are compressed.

How Get Enough Air
Most people have very shallow breathing, which means the lower portion of the lungs is filled with stale air. It is important to do deep breathing exercise daily (three times a day is best). Take a deep breath to full expansion, hold, then exhale slowly and completely, and hold that. Repeat this, say, twenty times. This helps the circulation and gets toxins out of the system.
One of the best ways to learn deep breathing (normal breathing) is to lie flat on one's back and place your hand on your stomach. As you breathe in deeply your hand should rise. Practice this until your abdominal muscles always automatically rise each time you breathe. This indicates that the entire lung is expanding, with emphasis on the lower portion of the lung and abdominal area.
Be outdoors as much as possible. Always exercise outdoors. In the home it is important to secure thorough ventilation and plenty of sunlight. Keep proper ventilation in mind wherever you are (home, work, school, etc.). Air must be in constant circulation to be kept free from poisons.
Breathe fresh air while sleeping, keep the windows open. Even on cold

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